Brummel Park Neighbors


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Gang Awareness VideoCaps 2424 Beat Gang ClothesRecognition AwardClyde Ave. Neighbors Care!Happy Halloween - EPD

Seasons Greetings





Neighborhood Watch

The Neighborhood Watch is a group of concerned citizens, working in cooperation with the Evanston Police Department that wants to increase community involvement and neighborhood safety.

Watch members walk in pairs at random times - primarily in the evenings and use cell phones or radios to report safety issues to the appropriate authorities.

At the same time, watch members work to build the community by meeting with neighbors and offering information on how to get involved on the first and third Tuesday of each month at -

The Evanston Police Outpost, 633 Howard St., 7:30 – 8 pm.


Be part of Brummel Park neighbors and Clyde-Callan area WATCH. Together, we can help improve the quality of life for all resident, visitors and guest.

Gary M Brooks       




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